Qwickly Solutions
Amplify the Practical Functionality of Qwickly Course Tools with SMS Text Messaging
This innovative method of communication empowers instructors to inform students of important course information across multiple courses directly through text messages, a more immediate notification method. Providing this alternative form of communication for students who prefer text messaging over email will greatly improve course communication, ensuring that no important information slips through the cracks. To learn how to enable and use SMS text messaging in Qwickly Course Tools, please refer to our latest Knowledge Base Article.
Discover the power of SMS text messaging in Qwickly Course Tools. Learn how instructors can create these SMS notifications to be sent to students and how the tool will ultimately improve communication with students by providing instant notifications and updates.
For: Blackboard, Canvas, and D2L Brightspace Instructional Designers, System Admins, Academic Leadership, and Faculty.
Watch one of our recorded webinars right now.
Leverage SMS Text Messaging in Qwickly Course Tools
Discover the power of SMS text messaging in Qwickly Course Tools. Learn how instructors can create these SMS notifications to be sent to students and how the tool will ultimately improve communication with students by providing instant notifications and updates.
Blackboard, Canvas, and D2L Brigtspace Instructional Designers, System Admins, Academic Leadership, and Faculty.
Notify all course members of important information including cancellations or schedule updates. Learn More
Communicate with multiple courses simultaneously using the internal LMS messaging system. Learn More