Qwickly Solutions

Personalize your attendance-taking with the various modes available in Qwickly Attendance service levels

Qwickly Attendance Modes

Qwickly Attendance offers a wide variety of attendance-taking modes in each service level: Qwickly Attendance Classic, Qwickly Attendance Plus, and Qwickly Attendance Pro. Each of these modes can be used interchangeably throughout the duration of a class and any of them can be turned off at the administrative (or course) level. No matter how attendance is taken, the data is compiled into individual student records for the course.

Manual Mode

Available for Qwickly Attendance ClassicAvailable for Qwickly Attendance PlusAvailable for Qwickly Attendance Pro

The manual mode of Qwickly Attendance includes 3 sub-modes of attendance-taking. Instructors can take attendance by scrolling through a list of students with Full List Mode. One By One Mode allows instructors to click through students individually while reviewing photos to simulate the most traditional roll call version of attendance-taking. Participation Mode augments each of these sub-modes by using the Custom Course Statuses to create a point scale to track student participation and attendance simultaneously.

Seating Chart Mode

Available for Qwickly Attendance ClassicAvailable for Qwickly Attendance PlusAvailable for Qwickly Attendance Pro

Seating chart has been added as an attendance-taking mode for instructors who want the flexibility of taking attendance while also keeping track of where their students are sitting in class. Build your seating chart and take attendance quickly and easily using this highly requested attendance-taking mode!

Card Reader Mode

Available for Qwickly Attendance ClassicAvailable for Qwickly Attendance PlusAvailable for Qwickly Attendance Pro

USB Card Reader: Qwickly Attendance Classic includes a card reader mode, which allows instructors to take attendance for large courses with a swipe or tap of a student's ID card. This is done by using a USB card reader that is hooked up to one or more computers. Students will swipe or tap their existing ID cards to be counted as present. This mode is included with every license of Qwickly Attendance Classic. There is no requirement to use a specific card vendor in order to use this mode, instead there is a quick configuration process that should work with nearly any card vendor.

Check-In Mode

Available for Qwickly Attendance ClassicAvailable for Qwickly Attendance PlusAvailable for Qwickly Attendance Pro

Check-In with PIN: Instructors can allow students to check in to class on their own devices. This mode allows instructors to skip manually taking attendance and gives students credit for being in class. For extra security, Qwickly Attendance Classic can automatically generate a 4-digit pin for students to enter to be marked as present in the class.

Student Activity Mode

Available for Qwickly Attendance ClassicAvailable for Qwickly Attendance PlusAvailable for Qwickly Attendance Pro

Automatically derive attendance statuses based on academic activity with Qwickly Attendance Plus's Student Activity mode. Attendance for online courses is often tracked by looking at different academic activities a student has been asked to complete during a specific time period, such as an assignment, quiz, or discussion. A student may be counted as attending that week if they complete one or more of these items. The amount of work required by an instructor to look through all of these types of assignments is tedious, time-consuming, and still requires an entry point.

Student Activity Mode allows instructors to automatically derive attendance statuses for students based on academic activity within the learning management system course. Instructors select the relevant activities students should complete during a given period of time, then this mode automatically checks to see if students have completed the assigned activities and records attendance based on the completion of these assignments (along with notes about the activity of the student) in the Qwickly Attendance record.

Enrollment Verification Mode

Available for Qwickly Attendance ClassicAvailable for Qwickly Attendance PlusAvailable for Qwickly Attendance Pro

Enrollment Verification Mode enables schools to capture a semester based report verifying whether students are attending classes. Institutions often require verification that students are attending class regularly for various reasons, including determining eligibility for distributing financial aid. With Enrollment Verification, instructor input is streamlined through the learning management system (Blackboard, Canvas or D2L Brightspace) and can be used in conjunction with other attendance recording tools provided by Qwickly. Instructors complete the Enrollment Verification form by selecting "Has Attended" or "Has Not Attended" for each student in a class. Instructors are also able to record comments relevant to each student's verification status. Administrators can set parameters to define how many times a student must attend a course to meet requirements. Instructors simply need to click the link and will be directed to a form where they will record if each student has been attending class. Administrators can easily report the verification status of students and which courses have or have not submitted the Enrollment Verification.