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Qwickly Product Known Issues

The following items are considered known issues in Qwickly products with suggested work-arounds.

Known Issues for Qwickly Course Tools

The following items are known issues for Qwickly Course Tools:

  • (4024) Date and Time inputs may not render correctly on certain browsers
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  • (4025) Posting/Sending course announcements will give an error when spamming the search tool with multiple course searches and selecting multiple courses with large enrollments.

Known Issues for Qwickly Attendance Pro

The following items are known issues for Qwickly Attendance Pro:

  • (4066) Show/Hide Unavailable Students feature not working as expected in Some Reports
  • (4079) Students are showing as PKID values when a new student is added to a course and Large Course Enrollment is used

Known Issues for Qwickly Attendance Classic

The following items are known issues for Qwickly Attendance Classic:

  • (4040) When instructors use a carriage return when leaving comments for students, administrators are getting invalid CSVs when running a Data Feed with the student comments data point selected